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Now I'm gonna catch alot heat for saying that people who dont vote are part of the problem, but it's true and it pisses me off when I think how lucky we are to live in a Country where we can vote.  We take for granted our opportunity to effect change and to truly make a difference.   And those who use tired old excuses that are just that,  excuses, suck. 

As someone who has seen wonderful changes because people did vote,  means the excuse "the elections are rigged"  or "my vote doesn't count" doesnt fly with me.  The fact is your vote does count, and could make a difference but you use this as an excuse because your too lazy to go vote,  and too lazy to check out your candidates and initiates in your local, State, and National Campaigns.  Thats the truth and you will find any reason not to go vote and that sucks

People have lost their lives so you could live in this Country and have that right,  and your too selfish to do it for those people if not for yourself.  If your confused about elections thats ok,  there are lots of places to go to find out how and where to vote.  I realize it can be overwhelming for the first time voter,  it was kinda scary the first time I did it.  But dont give up that right for nothing,  it is your chance to vote how you feel and send a message.  Yeah it sucks to lose a campaign,  or not win.  But thats a reality we all have to deal with,  you cant always be right,  and sometimes the a-holes win as well. So what,  grow up and get some cahones. When you do win it changes everything,  and gives you pride in doing your part to effect change. 

I have seen a shift over the years that has been very rewarding,  and that includes the election of Barak Obama because I heard so many times that a black would never be elected President and I started to believe that,  guess what his courage to run and the hope from voters like me who voted for him changed that.  Your vote can help change come about stop using excuses and go find out whatever you need to find out so you do vote.  Our Country deserves your vote,  you deserve to have your voice heard so stop with the excuses already and join the millions of others who are doing the same thing. 

Yes there is coruption,  yes there are bad politicians but you cant put all of the candidates and people in that category because of a few bad apples.  Thats like saying there's a bad doctor at your local hospital therefore all doctors at that hospital are bad.  Thats rediculous and factually untrue.  Like in life,  you have good apples and bad ones,  get over it.  These are just lame excuses not to vote and your not fooling anyone but yourself if you use these excuses.       

Lastly,  if you dont care about voting just know that others do care,  in fact they care so much they will work to get your vote,  and yes there are those that are working hard to turn voters off so you dont vote.  Why?  because they gain if you stay home and they gain if you participate.  For me,  I would much rather be involved in my future than to sit by idly until I find out I dont have one.  Not voting means others will be making decisions for you,  considering there are corrupt people in this world I would rather not let them make decisions for me.  Perhaps you really dont care.  But I find people who dont vote bitch and moan the most.  Thats why I ask if people vote because frankly if you dont vote I dont have the time to hear what you have to say.  And I dont care if people disagree with that,  but I dont like to waste my time,  and if you dont vote your wasting my time and your rudely taking for granted the opportunity our forefathers and all those who have fought for our Country a disservice.   


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